
Dice Throne Adventures & Season One: Rerolled!

Created by Dice Throne

A cooperative & solo campaign inspired by Diablo, with exploration, gold, treasure, upgrades, minions, & epic boss battles!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Status Report - 2019-10-31 - HAPPY HALLOWEEN! Essen Recap - More Minion Art - S1RR Production Update
about 5 years ago – Fri, Nov 01, 2019 at 03:43:49 AM

We had a fantastic time in Essen, getting a chance to meet many of you who stopped by the booth to say hello. A special shoutout to all of our volunteers who chose to spend their time helping us demo Dice Throne with everyone who came by! We could not do any of our shows without volunteers, so thank you so much to Andre (Netherlands), Austin (USA), Daniel (Israel), Geva (Israel), Roman (USA), Steven (USA), and Thomas (Germany) for helping with everything from setup to tear-down, and for making sure anyone who came by got to share in a little bit of the excitement. All of you made this show what it is, and it was incredible to work with all of you there.  

None of this would have been possible without Aaron Waltmann. Aaron is the co-designer of the Cursed Pirate and has now become our convention manager as well. He was responsible for our presence at PAX Prime & Spiel, with PAX Unplugged and PAX South soon to come. He’s been doing a phenomenal job and we’re so grateful for his partnership!  

The convention crew is already hard at work getting ready for our next show at PAX Unplugged in Philadelphia. If you want to be a part of one of our upcoming shows, head on over to We look forward to seeing many of you there!

Concept image only - final product may vary.

Check out this concept image of the Season One: Rerolled Battle Chest! We're ordering an advance sample based on this design now, which will be gone over in detail by Nate, Manny, & Gavan for any required changes or improvements. For anyone who attends PAX U or PAX S, we'll have them with is to check it out! We can't wait to show you what an actual one looks like!

Did anybody celebrate Halloween with some gaming? We'd love to see pictures of you playing Dice Throne in costume - bonus points if you dressed as a Dice Throne Hero or other Roxley character!

Keep Rollin' Sixes,

Gavan, Nate, Manny & Team Roxley

Follow Dice Throne in ALL the places!

Dice Throne Community on Facebook
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Dice Throne On BoardGameGeek
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2019-10-10 Status Update - Essen Cometh! Preorders Open! More Minion Art! Epic Fan Photos!
about 5 years ago – Sat, Oct 12, 2019 at 03:21:54 AM

For those who missed out on the campaign, the Preorder store is now open! Direct your friends and new fans to the Dice Throne Adventures & Season One: Rerolled Preorder Store. Late pledgers will still get access to the Champion Editions of everything on the campaign page, including all of Rosella's Gifts (although note that pricing and package deals will not be the same). 

Orders placed now will ship in the same wave as original backers, and we are still on schedule for this to be in June of 2020. (For any who want to order Season Two or other existing Dice Throne products for immediate shipping, they can be ordered at the existing store at ).

Throner Jan-Paul Hakvoort shared this AMAZING tattoo to the Dice Throne Community, with the following comment:

"For a while I wanted a tattoo to represent being together, having fun and playing games. Now it's there, and what better than the logo of my favorite game! (Made by Manja Inkt)"

This image, and your words, are an incredible honor to the creators and to the entire Dice Throne team. Thank you!

The only thing that might leave Team Roxley even more speechless than Jan-Paul's amazing Dice Throne tattoo, are these insanely cute pictures sent to us by Richard Clinton of his daughter Roxley helping him open and punch their new copy of Dice Throne: Season Two!

Heading to Essen Spiel in two weeks? Please be sure to stop by and say "hi!" and get in a game or two of Dice Throne with us at booth 5D122!

We'll be back with our next update the week AFTER ESSEN. 

Keep Rollin' Sixes,

Gavan, Nate, Manny & Team Roxley

Follow Dice Throne in ALL the places!

Dice Throne Community on Facebook
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Dice Throne On BoardGameGeek
Dice Throne Official Discord Server 

Status Report - 2019-09-25 - Monday Live Stream! Dice Throne at Essen; Roxley at SHUX!
over 5 years ago – Thu, Sep 26, 2019 at 03:19:09 AM

This Monday, Manny will be hosting another live art stream, with his usual colorful commentary (mostly orange and purple) on the Dice Throne Facebook Page at 6 PM PST (9 PM EST, 1 AM GMT). We'd love to have you join us!

FALLCON - September 27-29 - Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Team Roxley will once again be celebrating at our hometown convention! While Nate & Manny unfortunately can't be there, we will have a playable prototype of Dice Throne Adventures, as well as several future Roxley games, including Steampunk Rally: Fusion, Gorilla Marketing, and a couple more that we can't tell you about yet. We will have Dice Throne Season Two in the Battle Chest, Season One, playmats, Brass: Birmingham - Deluxe, and our other games for sale.

SHUX - October 4-6 - Vancouver, BC, Canada

Again, we're sad that Nate & Manny can't join us, but we are bringing the Dice Throne Adventures prototype for you to try, as well as all the Top Secret Projects we brought to FallCon. We will have Dice Throne Season Two in the Battle Chest, promo packs, playmats, Brass: Birmingham - Deluxe, and our other games for sale.

SPIEL - October 24-27 - Essen, Germany
        Booth number 5D122

Dice Throne is at Spiel this year! Nate, Gavan, and Aaron W. will lead a team of dedicated Diceroys and volunteers, to show off DTA and Season Two, and will have Battle Chests, promo packs, playmats, and limited quantities of Season One and card sleeves for sale. 

(Sealed Deluxe copies of Brass: Birmingham will also be available for purchase, although the team will not be demonstrating them. Also, please note that Nate & Gavan have a number of business meetings and commitments and aren't able to be at the booth at all times.)

All backers should have received their survey links by now (with the exception of some special cases, and retailers, which are still being finalized). If you pledged, but there's no emailed survey link in your inbox or bulk/spam folder, please check in with us at [email protected] (after double checking your spam/bulk folder, of course). (Please allow a few business days for responses, as the team will be very busy this month with the conventions listed above.)

When is the deadline to fill out the surveys?

The sooner the better, but the official scheduled lockdown/billing date is Jan. 14th, 2020.

If you miss this date, there's no need to stress; please just check in with us so we can help resolve it as quickly as possible afterwards. You won't lose your pledge or your Kickstarter pricing, and your game will still ship at the same time as everybody else's (barring a major delay on your part).

Can you bill this earlier, so I can get it cleared up before the Christmas season?

Not a problem. Once your survey is filled out, send us your request at [email protected].

What if I need to update my address or change my pledge after the lockdown?

You won't be able to do it manually, but our customer service team should still be able to help. Message [email protected] with the details of what you need, and we'll be happy to follow up.

I just discovered this! Can I late pledge?

The Preorder store will open soon! If you'd like an alert sent to you when it does, head over to

No wonder adventurers keep getting hit in the knee...

We'd like to include a special shout-out to Javid Isayev, who made us all go "Awwww!", by sharing this picture of his newest family member in the Dice Throne Community.

Say hi to "Nyra"!

Watch out--this one is DEFINITELY going to mess with your dice!

We'll be back in two weeks with another update, including the latest about our new online store!

Keep Rollin' Sixes,

Gavan, Nate, Manny & Team Roxley

Follow Dice Throne in ALL the places!

Dice Throne Community on Facebook
Dice Throne - Main Facebook Page
Dice Throne On Twitter
Dice Throne On BoardGameGeek
Dice Throne Official Discord Server 

Status Report - 2019-09-12 - Pledge Manager About To Launch! - A Look At the Dice Tray, Ninja & Treant Playmats and New Card Sleeves!
over 5 years ago – Fri, Sep 13, 2019 at 01:56:17 AM

Just a brief update today, to let you know the pledge manager will be out VERY soon, and a look at some of the pretty things that will be in it! :) 

Adam, our resident logistics and data wizard has completed the pledge manager; we are in the process now of triple checking it, testing, and uploading the most recent graphics. We intend to send "smoke test" surveys to a small percentage of backers within the next 24 hours; assuming no issues arise from those that need troubleshooting, the remaining surveys will be sent within 1-2 days.

Retail backers will be reached out to within the next couple of weeks.

The Preorder Store will open for non-backers in approximately a couple of weeks. If you're not currently pledged and would like an alert when it goes live, you can get one here.

Collapsible Dice Tray!

- Fits into Season Two/Season One: Rerolled Battle Chest, Dice Throne Adventures Box, or classic Season One box
- Screen Printed Dice Throne Logo
- Custom Stone Texture & Embossing
- Included in all Epic & Legendary pledge levels and available as an add-on for $15 at other pledge levels

Manufacturer advance prototype. Final design is still subject to change.

New Neoprene Playmats!

- Extremely thick (3mm) resilient neoprene
 - Beautiful art from Manny Trembley & Damien Mammoliti
 - Large 28"x14.5" format (two cover a standard banquet table)
 - One playmat is included at the Epic & Legendary pledge levels; all are available as add-ons: 1 for $20, 2 for $35, or all 20 designs for $240! 

Digital proofs only. Final design is still subject to change.

Treant & Ninja Card Sleeves!

- Protects base hero cards, with extras to cover promo cards and Dice Throne Adventures Loot (50 per hero)
 - Each hero features a unique art piece!
 - Treant/Ninja sleeves are already included in the Epic & Legendary pledge levels, and are available as an add-on for $10 at other pledge levels

Digital proofs only. Final design is still subject to change.

Fallen Card Sleeves! 

- Fallen sleeves are already included in the Epic & Legendary pledge levels, and are available as an add-on for $20 at other pledge levels

Digital proofs only. Final design is still subject to change.

Thank you as always for helping each other out in the comments section.

Keep Rollin' Sixes,

Gavan, Nate, Manny & Team Roxley

Follow Dice Throne in ALL the places!

Dice Throne Community on Facebook
Dice Throne - Main Facebook Page
Dice Throne On Twitter
Dice Throne On BoardGameGeek
Dice Throne Official Discord Server 

Status Report - 2019-08-29 - ENTER THE NINJA on TTS! Art Livestream! Pledge Manager Surveys on Schedule for September
over 5 years ago – Fri, Aug 30, 2019 at 12:45:03 AM

The Ninja is live on Tabletop Simulator RIGHT NOW! This brings the total number of playable characters there to six - all in the Season Two / Season One: Rerolled format. A big shoutout to Ken Cunningham for helping with all of the scripting!

Q: What is TTS?
A: It's a sandbox-style app used to play board games over the internet with friends on your PC or Mac. You can get it here: 

Q: How much does it cost?
A: It's normally $20, but goes on sale regularly for $10 (disclaimer: we did not create TTS and do not receive any money from TTS). Once you own TTS, we give away our mod for free!

Q: Where can I download the free Dice Throne mod?

Q: How many people play Dice Throne on TTS?
A: We have over 12k subscribers and counting!

Q: Where can I learn how to use TTS?

Q: Which Dice Throne heroes are currently included in TTS?
A: Barbarian, Moon Elf, Pyromancer, Shadow Thief, Gunslinger, Ninja

Q: What is the experience like?
A: It's fantastic! We do all of our beta testing and new development in TTS before anywhere else. Once you get used to it, the experience is really excellent.

Q: Where can I find other DT players to play with on TTS?
A: Facebook (, Discord (, or directly within TTS! You can post in the public chat within TTS and ask if anyone would like to join. Or better yet, if you know DT well enough and are familiar with TTS, ask if anyone wants to be taught! This is one of the best ways to help our community grow.

We have decided to use BackerKit again for the pledge manager for this campaign, and we are still on schedule to send out pledge manager surveys early next month (we hope to have a more specific date by the next update).

Once the surveys are out, our goal will be to lock down surveys for the majority of backers by the end of October (so you will still have time to make changes or additions). 

For any who have not already pledged, the Preorder store will go live soon after the survey goes out (you can get an alert and a link sent to you at 

This Saturday, Manny will be hosting another live art stream on the Dice Throne Facebook Page! At 12 PM (noon PST) / 3 PM EST, and hopefully early enough that we can hear from a few more of our European friends in the comments! (This will be at 7 PM in the UK / 9 PM in Germany). See you there?

Saturday 12 PM PST / 3 PM EST

Thank you as always for helping each other out in the comments section.

Keep Rollin' Sixes,

Gavan, Nate, Manny & Team Roxley

Follow Dice Throne in ALL the places!

Dice Throne Community on Facebook
Dice Throne - Main Facebook Page
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Dice Throne On BoardGameGeek
Dice Throne Official Discord Server