
Dice Throne Adventures & Season One: Rerolled!

Created by Dice Throne

A cooperative & solo campaign inspired by Diablo, with exploration, gold, treasure, upgrades, minions, & epic boss battles!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Status Report - 2019-08-15 - The Ninja is Victorious! TTS: Rerolled! Pledge Manager Coming Early September!
over 5 years ago – Fri, Aug 16, 2019 at 02:40:28 AM

New to Kickstarter? 

The "pledge manager" is a survey that will be sent to you in a few weeks, which will allow you to input your shipping address, so that we know where to send your reward.  It will also allow you to confirm or change your pledge level, and any add-ons you would like.  All available add-ons and options will be fully described in detail.  You will be able to change your shipping address in the pledge manager at any time right up until when fulfillment begins.

We will be using BackerKit as a pledge management service for this campaign.   BackerKit is one of the industry leaders in pledge management services, and have successfully helped fulfill multiple campaigns for Roxley already, including Dice Throne: Season Two, Brass, and Santorini.  They take user security and privacy very seriously, and their interface for both creators and users is amazing.

 When will I get the survey? 

We do not rush the pledge manager setup, as it is a massive headache to undo mistakes.  As such we will taking our time and making sure everything is setup properly and tested in order for us to reduce the probability for error.  We are projecting that backers will be sent their surveys in early September.

Errored / Dropped Pledges

A few of you have received an email from Kickstarter saying there was a problem with your payment, and that you will be dropped.  This is totally normal and happens with every Kickstarter campaign; for the next week or so, you can contact [email protected] to try to resolve this. If they are not able to solve this for you, don't panic!  Your order attempt weill still be in our records, and we'll be able to add you to the pledge manager as a backer. E-mail us at [email protected] and we will make sure you are taken care of.

I Missed the Campaign! What can I do?

Unfortunately the campaign is now over... but after the pledge manager is out, we will open the Preorder store, where you will be able to order everything you see on the Campaign page (Champion Editions, including Rosella's Gifts).

You can get an alert when the Preorder store opens at!

The Throners have spoken - and the winner of the poll for the newest character to be added to TableTop Simulator is the Ninja! Work has already begun on implementing her for the platform. Thank you to all who voted!

As an additional bonus, all the characters currently in Tabletop Simulator have been updated to their remastered versions! This includes the Barbarian, Moon Elf, Pyromancer, and the Shadow Thief (the Gunslinger is already in Season Two format).

Remaining Art & Game Balancing

The majority of both Dice Throne Adventures and Season One: Rerolled are already finished, although Manny is still working on art, and Dice Throne Adventures is still completing a rigorous schedule of playtesting for game balance and the new modes of play.

Many of you have asked if you can assist with the playtesting! Regretfully, the answer is currently "no"; Nate & Manny have an excellent team already at their disposal, but they will reach out to members of the Dice Throne Community should more be needed.

Retailer Pledges

We are continuing to work on our numbers, based on the final specs of the game that have been quoted to us by the manufacturers and shipping companies, so that we can figure out pricing details on retailer pledges.  Thanks so much to all the participating retailers for your patience.

Future Updates

We believe our supporters deserve to be informed! So our plan is to publish an update every two weeks; even if there is no news to share, we will still be checking in with you regularly.

Until then, thank you as always for helping each other out in the comments section.

Keep Rollin' Sixes,

Gavan, Nate, Manny & Team Roxley

Follow Dice Throne in ALL the places!

Dice Throne Community on Facebook
Dice Throne - Main Facebook Page
Dice Throne On Twitter
Dice Throne On BoardGameGeek
Dice Throne Official Discord Server 

DAY 24 - THANK YOU! Oh and, one more thing...
over 5 years ago – Fri, Aug 09, 2019 at 02:51:16 AM

This campaign has been an incredible roller coaster ride for everyone on our team. And we're going to be thanking a LOT of people over the next couple of weeks for their contributions to this Ultimate success.

We'd like to extend one of the first of these Thank Yous right now, to you, our supporters, in the form of Rosella's latest gift:

 All hero specific loot cards will now be foiled!
All hero specific loot cards will now be foiled!

Oh no! the campaign is over! I'm sad - I can't ask the creators questions, get the latest news, talk with other backers... 

...whatever will I do???

5,300 members and counting!
5,300 members and counting!
For the Barbarian, this is also known as "Saturday Night".
For the Barbarian, this is also known as "Saturday Night".
"Excuse me... could you direct me to the nearest bathroom?"
"Excuse me... could you direct me to the nearest bathroom?"
We asked our insurance agent what would happen in the event of a volcanic eruption.  He said: “Don’t worry, you’ll all be covered.”
We asked our insurance agent what would happen in the event of a volcanic eruption. He said: “Don’t worry, you’ll all be covered.”

If you've appreciated the work of our amazing photographer, Boardgameshot (and our staff's attempts at comedy) in these updates, you can keep getting these in your social media feed, by following Roxley's Facebook page and our Instagram account.

What Are The Next Steps?

1) We Sleep - Our teams take a short break until next week.

2) Payment - Kickstarter will bill your pledge amount to the credit card attached to your Kickstarter account. If there is an issue, they should continue to retry for 1-2 weeks. NOTE: Roxley is not involved in this part of the transaction, so if you have a payment issue within this time period, we unfortunately won't be able to help; contact Kickstarter support directly instead, at support (at)

3) Pledge Manager - In [correction: early September], you'll be sent a survey from the pledge manager, in which you will confirm your order! This survey will give you the option to upgrade your pledge, add additional goodies, confirm your shipping address, and finalize your shipping charges. Roxley will use a reputable and secure pledge management platform for this. (NOTE: An exact date for this mailing is not set yet, we want this to be as soon as possible, but it needs to be thoroughly tested before it is launched.)

I just found out about these! Can I still buy some?  

Unfortunately the campaign is now over... but you will be able to Pre-order after we launch the pledge manager. Stay tuned!

To receive an alert when Pre-orders become possible, enter your email at

I backed as a retailer, when do we receive the details?

We will send retailers an email before backers receive the pledge manager, outlining your options and pricing. If you haven't yet completed this form, please do so. (If you are an FLGS backer arriving late to the campaign and want to know if it's still possible to get on board, email [email protected].)

Upcoming Updates

Keeping you informed is extremely important to us. Our next update will come out in a week's time, at which point we will inform you of the results of the Tabletop Simulator vote, and lay out the schedule for future updates.

These updates will occur regularly from now until fulfillment is complete, regardless of whether or not there is anything to report. Every update will have a clear indication of what progress has been made on each task remaining, how much remains to finish, and any special news or developments we've got to share.

Until then, thank you as always for helping each other out in the comments section. 

Keep Rollin' Sixes,

Gavan, Nate, Manny & Team Roxley

Follow Dice Throne in ALL the places!

Dice Throne Community on Facebook - EXCELLENT for news and new friends, and 95% of your rules questions have already been answered there if you search!
Dice Throne - Main Facebook Page
Dice Throne On Twitter
Dice Throne On BoardGameGeek
Dice Throne Official Discord Server 

Day 23 - Final 24 Hours! Closer look at the TREANT! Rosella's Final Gifts REVEALED!
over 5 years ago – Thu, Aug 08, 2019 at 02:06:06 AM

If you enjoyed Rosella's puzzles, give a shout out to Nate Chatellier, Aaron Waltmann, and Jonathan Herrera-Thomas!

(As regular backers and fans know, Roxley company policy requires us to reference this song 24 hours before the end of any campaign.)


This campaign ends tomorrow, Thursday, August 8th at 9 PM PST. (EST: 12 Midnight; GMT: 4 AM Friday morning). We're grateful for all of you who have helped to make this campaign a success, via your direct support, interaction, and community spirit; and we'd like to offer a special thank you to those of you who have shared this with your friends (if any of them are on the fence, this is their last chance to get in at Kickstarter pricing!)

Wait! How do I add all these things?

You can add all the things now by just increasing your pledge. The pledge manager survey will be coming out in a few weeks; in addition to getting your shipping address (etc), this will confirm what you have chosen to spend your pledge on. (You will still have the chance to make changes at Kickstarter pricing, as long as you pledged for at least the Battle Box.)

As with our other projects, we will continue to update you regularly after the campaign (although updates will reduce in frequency, as our focus shifts to readying the pledge manager). We'll continue to check in on the comments, but if you have an urgent question, or something the community here or on Facebook cannot help you with, please reach out to us directly at [email protected].  

Click to Embiggen
Click to Embiggen
He who controls the dice, controls the Throne.
He who controls the dice, controls the Throne.
In that moment, both resolved to never try online dating again.
In that moment, both resolved to never try online dating again.
DTA made 2 appearances in Dice Tower's Crowdsurfing this week with Mark Streed at 31:00 and FOMO with Robert Geistlinger at 34:00
DTA made 2 appearances in Dice Tower's Crowdsurfing this week with Mark Streed at 31:00 and FOMO with Robert Geistlinger at 34:00

We'll be back after the campaign closes.  Until then, thank you as always for helping each other out in the comments section. 

Keep Rollin' Sixes,

Gavan, Nate, Manny & Team Roxley

Follow Dice Throne in ALL the places!

Dice Throne Community on Facebook - EXCELLENT for news and new friends, and 95% of your rules questions have already been answered there if you search!
Dice Throne - Main Facebook Page
Dice Throne On Twitter
Dice Throne On BoardGameGeek
Dice Throne Official Discord Server 

Day 22 - 48 Hours Remaining! Rosella's Final Gifts! The Mad King Revealed?
over 5 years ago – Wed, Aug 07, 2019 at 02:25:53 AM

Click to embiggen.
Click to embiggen.
This new 20 sided Loot Die is LIT!
This new 20 sided Loot Die is LIT!
WAIT! Don't open those. Are there mimics in this game?
WAIT! Don't open those. Are there mimics in this game?

We'll have a bonus update for you tomorrow, as we head into the home stretch of the campaign.  Until then, thank you as always for helping each other out in the comments section. 

Keep Rollin' Sixes,

Gavan, Nate, Manny & Team Roxley

Follow Dice Throne in ALL the places!

Dice Throne Community on Facebook - EXCELLENT for news and new friends, and 95% of your rules questions have already been answered there if you search!
Dice Throne - Main Facebook Page
Dice Throne On Twitter
Dice Throne On BoardGameGeek
Dice Throne Official Discord Server 

Day 20 - Dice Throne Adventures Breaks All Records! New BoardGameGeek Microbadges! New Manny Art Stream Tuesday!
over 5 years ago – Mon, Aug 05, 2019 at 02:41:48 AM

Late last night, Dice Throne Adventures & Season One: Rerolled officially passed Brass ~ An Industrial Revolution, to become the most successful campaign Roxley has run to date - with four days still remaining to go! 

There are no words that can describe how lucky and grateful we are, for the level of passion and support the Dice Throne fans have thrown behind this project. You've provided us with far more than just the funding necessary to make this happen: every comment, every share, and every picture we see posted on social media of you playing with your friends and family fuels our motivation to bring you the best gaming experience we possibly can.

We can't WAIT to get these games into your hands... and for Rosella's next big reveal! 

Click to embiggen.
Click to embiggen.
Manny returns Tuesday with another live art stream on the Dice Throne Facebook page!
Manny returns Tuesday with another live art stream on the Dice Throne Facebook page!

Are you on Boardgamegeek? If so, there are ten new ways to represent Dice Throne Adventures and your favorite characters from Season One! You can add these sweet badges to your profile for the low, low cost of 8 GeekGold (approx. 10.58 GG Canadian). To purchase one, click the image below, then click on the badge you want. (And don't forget to give Raymond a thumbs up for his amazing work!).

(Don't have any GeekGold? Drop Paul a message on BGG, and include your best pun or Dad joke - bonus points if it's Dice Throne related! If you make him laugh, he'll transfer you some to buy the badge of your choice.)

Which character badges will be the most popular, do you think?
Which character badges will be the most popular, do you think?
I will blow you out, little matchstick!
I will blow you out, little matchstick!
Oh dear… we think we saw this in an old Indiana Jones movie, and it didn’t end well…
Oh dear… we think we saw this in an old Indiana Jones movie, and it didn’t end well…

We'll be back Tuesday with the next update! Until then, thank you as always for helping each other out in the comments section. 

Keep Rollin' Sixes,

Gavan, Nate, Manny & Team Roxley

Follow Dice Throne in ALL the places!

Dice Throne Community on Facebook - EXCELLENT for news and new friends, and 95% of your rules questions have already been answered there if you search!
Dice Throne - Main Facebook Page
Dice Throne On Twitter
Dice Throne On BoardGameGeek
Dice Throne Official Discord Server